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It can be challenging to grow your professional network if you don’t know where to start. It’s important to note that networking itself is a vital part of success in your career. There are ways to go about networking creating and nurturing relationships and connections so that you can go through your professional journey. Today, we’re going to be talking about different ways to grow your professional network.

Friends and Family
Your family and friends are probably one of the best places you can go to. Think of it as a web. You have connections with hundreds of people throughout your circle of friends and family because you know them. These people could get you in front of people you never thought possible, just because you’re connected to them through your friends. Take advantage of the opportunity that’s in front of you and try and network through your family and friends.

Go to Networking Events
Online or in-person networking events can be used to your advantage as well. You can meet people you’ve never met before that can be incredibly influential to whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Getting in front of as many faces as possible is a necessary part of networking. Even if it’s just giving them your business card, they’ll have a face to the name and a number to call if they ever need anything.

Use Social Media
There are many conflicting thoughts about whether or not social media is helpful to people. However, you can’t say that it doesn’t help you grow your professional networking circle. It doesn’t even have to be through the use of Twitter or Instagram. Having a LinkedIn account that’s fully fleshed out can be so helpful. By using that platform to your advantage, joining groups, and talking in them, you’re constantly providing helpful information and showing your value to other people. People will see this and want you as part of their close circle of connections.

Reach out to Former Coworkers
Something that can be beneficial to you is to catch up with former coworkers or even your old boss! Using that pathway, you can open yourself up to a wide variety of people with connections you didn’t know existed. Talking with them could be something as simple as reminiscing on old times or talking about what you’re both doing for your respective jobs now. People are always looking to get into contact with other people, and an old business you left amicably could be just the place to go.

There are many more ways to go about connecting with other people. However, these are just a few.